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I'm a paragraph, or I would be if I had more words, but I don't, so I'm just a sentence

Electronic Circuit




Omnibot 3000

















This is the Omnibot Project

He used to be an Omnibot 2000 from the year 1985, but after ripping out all his guts, he is now a fully computerized robotic machine


Featuring a Jetson Nano as the main brain, 2 Raspberry Pis as his track, head and arm controllers, another Raspberry Pi as his speech center, and an Arduino to deal with his sensors. He has a Lidar and 3 ultrasonic sensors

This guy has got ROS Melodic subroutines running under an Ubuntu Operating system. 

Current motors give him a top speed of 3.5 MPH with a battery life of approximately 8 hours, powered by 3 12V motorcycle batteries

I originally had faster motors capable of 16MPH, but that turned out to be too fast for indoor operation, and slower speeds tended to stall the motors

K9- A Doctor Who Themed Toolbot










This is my latest creation

It's a motorized toolbox in the shape of Doctor Who's famous K9 robot dog

It's got a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 G RAM, a Jetson Nano, and an Arduino to handle the sensors. All of which, eventually, will be communicating via the ROS Melodic subsystem

2 motorcycle batteries are powering the thing. One for the computers, and one for the motors which are being controlled by an MDD10 motor controller

I'm still building the operating system, so all it does right now is look pretty, show pictures from the camera in the nose, and move via remote control via keyboard commands

Project Jetbot












This is the Jetbot

He's my first test run with any kind of AI. While he's not, in reality, exactly any kind of AI, he knows enough to follow me around, and distinguish the difference between an apple and my cat

He does have remote control, but, he can also manage to roam aimlessly around the house without banging into anything












This is the SteamPunk Laptop

It's got a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 G RAM and is cooled by an IceTower which is vented outside the case

The camera is built into the lid just like any other laptop

Runs on AC or DC. The DC is provided by either 4 or 8 18650 batteries (you have a choice of filling either one 4-pack or two. It runs well either way)

The battery charger is hidden inside the case and will charge up to 8 cells at once

The case is handmade from Oak, Maple and Poplar, with all brass hinges, corner protectors, latches and handles

The keycaps were 3D printed from Carbon Fiber and hand painted to resemble an old style typewriter

The Grabber












I call this one the Grabber

This one is remote control only, with a Raspberry Pi for comms via WiFi, L298N to control the motors, and a PCA9685 to control the servos for the grabber.

No app control, this one is keyboard only

The Crawler












I call this one the Crawler

This one is also remote control only, with a Raspberry Pi for comms via WiFi, L298N to control the motors, and a PCA9685 to control the servos for the Laser and camera

I use this one mainly to mess with my cat. He likes the laser, but isn't so fond of me chasing him around with the car

I've got the laser and camera synced so that whatever is in the middle of the camera screen, is where the laser is going to point

No app control, this one is keyboard only

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